Study in Germany for Free | Study Abroad Norway, Poland, Italy

We all know that opportunity knocks the door only once. SCUBE makes sure to open the doors at the right moment for those who aim for graduating through the reputed universities of Europe.

SCUBE is currently accepting applications for many Universities spread all over Europe and the United Kingdom. To be precise, there are 131 Colleges/Universities in Europe alone, spread across 17 countries, and around 140 in the United Kingdom.

Below countries offering free education.

The incredible island, popular as “The Jewel of the Mediterranean”, Cyprus is famous not only for its culture and life style, but also for its rich educational heritage.

  • This small island surrounded by Greece and Turkey, maybe the perfect place for pursuing place graduation and masters, solely for its simple and cost effective life style while providing education of a higher quality.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 6.0
  • Average tuition fee can range from 7000 Euros to 10,000 Euros.
  • There are 21 open Universities that offer free education for International students in Cyprus. This is what makes Cyprus stand out from the rest of the countries.
  • Average cost of living is 690 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 60 days.

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • Cyprus University of Technology
  • University of Cyprus
  • University of Nicosia

Germany stands as the hub for one of the toughest Universities in the world.

  • Ranked as the most efficient in terms of academics, Germany offers cheap tuition fee and affordable cost of living compared to American/Canadian cities
  • It is extremely difficult to get through the toughest question papers they set in their Universities.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 6.5
  • Unlike other countries that charge crazy tuition fees due to the high demand of students who wish to attend them, in Germany, all public higher education institutions are free, even the highest ranked universities in the country.
  • Average tuition fee of private universities range from 10,000 to 12,000 Euros
  • Average cost of living is up to 850 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 18 months.

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation:

  • Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg.
  • Humboldt University of Berlin.
  • KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
  • Free University of Berlin.
  • Berlin Institute of Technology.
  • Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen.
  • Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg.

The legends say All Roads lead to Rome. From the Alps in the North to coastal beaches in the South and everything in between, choosing to study abroad in Italy will give you access to an incredible array of cultural, historic and touristic heritage.

  • Minimum IELTS score required is 6.0
  • Average tuition fee varies from 3000 – 5000 Euros
  • Average cost of living is around 920 Euros
  • Education is free in Italy and free education is available to children of all nationalities who are residents in Italy. Italy has both a private and public education system. Many international students study in Italy for free by getting scholarships, some of which cover whole tuition, room, and board.
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 1 year.

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards, and promises great career after graduation.

  • Polytechnic University of Turin.
  • Sapienza University of Rome.
  • University of Naples Federico II.
  • University of Trento.
  • University of Salerno.
  • University of Pisa.

Latvia remains a wonderful country for studies abroad in Europe due to:

  • Bachelor / Master/ Doctorate level Programs taught in English. Prestigious Globally Recognized Degrees
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 5.8
  • Average tuition fee can range from 6000 Euros to upto 18,000 Euros
  • While few public universities offer free or very nominal tuition fee in Latvia for international students, learning Latvian language has greater advantage since most Latvian medium universities offer free education.
  • Average cost of living is around 620 Euros
  • Anyone who wishes to stay in the country after completing their studies can continue to reside in the country and look for a job as you are exempt from obtaining a visa or residence permit.

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • University of Latvia
  • Riga Technical University
  • Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology
  • Riga Stradins University

Today Lithuania is a member of European Union and NATO, and among the most bilingual and educated nations in Europe.

  • Lithuania offers lower tuition rates and lower cost of living than many other countries in the region, making it a perfect place for students to experience studying abroad in Europe at a lower cost.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 5.5
  • Average tuition fee can range from 4000 – 8000 Euros
  • While the education for Lithuanian citizens is free, Public Lithuanian universities charge affordable fees to international students.
  • Average cost of living is 950 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 6 months

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • Vilnius University
  • Kaunas University of Technology
  • Vytautas Magnus University

Malta offers great opportunities to overseas students. Malta is a beautiful country which retains its traditional values.

  • It is the safest island with friendliest people, and the cheapest place to study in Europe.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 5.4
  • Average tuition fee ranges from 8,850 to 12,000 Euros.
  • While the education for Malta citizens is free, Public Malta universities charge affordable fees to international students.
  • Average cost of living is 600 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 6 months

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • University of Malta
  • American University of Malta
  • Malta college of Arts, Science and Technology
  • EDU International Institute of Higher Education
  • United Campus of Malta

Norway has one of the highest standards of living in the world, which means that it is also one of the most expensive countries out there. However, when it comes to education, Norway stands out thanks to high standards and the lack of tuition fees at all levels, including Bachelor’s.

  • Students from developing countries may qualify for funding from the Norwegian government, while students from other countries have to cover all expenses themselves. Higher education institutions have economic incentives other than tuition fees for attracting international students.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 5.4
  • Average tuition fee can range from 7000 Euros to 9000 Euros
  • Public universities in Norway do not charge students tuition fees, regardless of the student’s country of origin. This is a unique opportunity to obtain a degree at a quality university at no cost, and one of many reasons why Norway has become an attractive country for foreign students.
  • Average cost of living in is 800 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 1 year.

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • University of Oslo
  • University of Bergen
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • University of Tromso – The Arctic University of Norway

Poland offers great opportunities in terms of placement as there are a large number of international organizations coming to Poland every year to look for fresh talents.

  • International students who choose to study in Poland will have the opportunity to receive a quality education in a quickly burgeoning academic environment.
  • Minimum IELTS score required is 5.5
  • Average tuition fee can range from 3000 to 8000 Euros
  • Higher education in Poland is free for Polish citizens. If you would also like to study for free, you must sit the same entrance exams as Polish students, and study a course taught in Polish. If you cannot fulfil this criteria, you will be expected to pay tuition fees.
  • Average cost of living is about 600 Euros
  • Validity of visa, after graduation and before finding work would be for 3 years

The following are the preferable universities that provide education of high standards and promises great career after graduation.

  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.
  • AGH University of Science & Technology.
  • Poznan University of Technology.
  • Gdansk University of Technology.
  • Lodz University of Technology.
  • Silesian University of Technology


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